YAB ?! Counts V1.0.2

November 13, 2023 (a year ago)


Hello everyone! As of today, we have officially released V1.0.2 of YAB ?! Counts. This is our 2nd update since the release of YAB ?! Counts on October 21st, 2023, and we are so excited to tell you all about the new updates. So without any further introduction, let's get started!

The biggest update: Public API

Since the release of YAB ?! Counts, people have constantly been asking us to make the API of YAB ?! Counts public, mostly by people who use custom-made counters for their stream. If you don't know what an API is, it stands for Application Programming Interface, and it is what lets the website communicate with our data and allows us to show you the data live.

Ever since release, our API has been private, and for the past month we've been working to perfect our public API so that is ready for use by the public, and we are proud to announce that we're officially releasing the YAB ?! Counts API!

If you want to start using the YAB ?! Counts API for your streams, websites, etc., you can go to yabcounts.com/api and get your own API key. Once you get one, you can replace the URL of any single platform from https://yabcounts.com/ to https://api.yabcounts.com/public/ and add your API key at the end. An example is https://api.yabcounts.com/public/youtube/channel/UCX6OQ3DkcsbYNE6H8uQQuVA?key={your api key}. It will start working automatically! You can start using this anywhere. For your custom-made counters for streams, for your website, the sky's the limit!

If you're having any trouble with the public API, you can chat with us on Discord!

Subscriber race colors

In Compare, we have a feature called "Subscriber Race", which shows a graph of the two users being compared. Ever since release, these two lines were the default graph color that is specified in customization, but as of this release we now have a separate setting for both lines!

"Subscriber Race" graph with different colors

Our blog

We've also introduced a blog in this version, which is where you're reading this right now! This is our new home for updates, features, and more. Read more about this blog at our introduction post.


We've also added support for Arc. As stated on their website, "Arc is a peer-to-peer content exchange and delivery network (CDN)." It lets you have a faster experience on YAB ?! Counts, while also paying us without having to serve you ads (we will still have ads in a future version to help us even more, but don't worry, they won't be obnoxious).

Bug fixes

There were some bugs that were fixed in this version, including but not limited to:

  • Side count selection not being synced when going to embed
  • The inability to select counts for two users in compare
  • Progress bar going off-screen for large numbers (mostly views for YouTube channels)
  • Incorrect information in the About page

...and so much more.


Thank you for reading all the way until the end. We hope you enjoy this new version of YAB ?! Counts as much as we enjoyed making it. Happy tracking!